Please Read This First

Lead In - read first before doing anything else =)

Dear passionate escapers... This is a site for those players, whose badly miss the old times, when we helped each other in a game without...

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

ENA Games - Magnificiant Escape 2

Please enjoy playing this game, post comments, help others and first of all: HAVE FUN - Don't forget our lead in - let this be a place of playing games like we were used to it in the good old times =)


  1. very smart number hint with the buttons =)

  2. why does this always happen to me? the paper hint I ripped off with the pin is not working at the puzzle in first scene... the animal heads... is there a different order somewhere?

  3. no... the hint was wrong... I changed the ram with the goat

  4. stuck with the pattern for the phone and a cup with squares... tried that at the drawer with arrows and at the box with numbers... no go...

  5. I'm sure the balloons will give a hint for the sliders beside that cup... but first I have to get unstuck... :/

  6. wow... that was hard... I tried everything with these arrows... now I've got it:
    you have to follow the direction of the blue squares... you start at the bottom three squares and go left, then up 5 times and so on
