Please Read This First

Lead In - read first before doing anything else =)

Dear passionate escapers... This is a site for those players, whose badly miss the old times, when we helped each other in a game without...

Monday, May 9, 2016

Games2Rule - Fantasy Secret Garden Escape

Please enjoy playing this game, post comments, help others and first of all: HAVE FUN - Don't forget our lead in - let this be a place of playing games like we were used to it in the good old times =)


  1. I got so stuck with a pink flower... and finally found the spot where to put it:
    the view above in the picture of the post, go one further and put the flower at the snake...
    I'm still stuck at the 6 numbers in view above... thought it would be the clue in last view with the mushrooms, there are 6 numbers scribed into a stone... but they do not work...

  2. I found a second video wt... the first stopped before entering numbers...
    now they changed the 5 and the 2... that must be a mistake in the game, because also there the numbers on the rock are the same as mine...
    I tried now the exchanged numbers and it worked...
    at least I can finish the game... but Im not very excited...
