1. on control panel under red speaker
2. behind lever of auto-pilot
3. above monitor with coffee-cup-guy
4. turn left, on panel right of round window
5. notice triangle shaped stripes under this panel and also on the other side second round window, click these stripes left and right of door to open it, go through left door and look at picture, click at pin
- now go one more left and into toilet, click on left wall and insert the numbers you have seen on screen with coffee drinking guy (on saucer when he lifts the cup, on his shirt and on cup upside down) you have to view the video twice
- then look into the red tube, after it you get a hint below, it shows the position of the planets on the panel right of astronaut suit. look only at the first japanese sign, it's the same as on the hint (mars and saturn are twice)
- now you can open the door and take the suit, click at it in about view to wear it and look at the hint on wall, where suit was
- open door with big wheel and click at panel right of door, press buttons in order of the hint, the guy is calling you then and you go back to control panel, watch the landing on the moon, then go again through door with big wheel and open the door to leave the spaceship
- go right, click at the people and let them talk, then turn right and go to the tree, enter the treehouse and solve the brothers puzzle, go through the door, talk to the girl and take the brush from upper drawer
6. open lower drawer
- leave the house and look for the llama, brush it, click it and you see a map... llama will take you to the places, the treehouses button is already yellow, because you found the button in there, the others have to be found
7. click at spaceship and see a button in a hole in front of it
-go to llama, click at the X-house, see hint left of door, go back left side of the house, lift the stones and combine both hints now, then set the buttons right of the door, enter the house - take flashlight, enter right door, dont't touch the dragon, but notice the hint right of it
- go out, click llama, click at hole left up, enter it with flashlight and use hint of dragon room to get through the cave labyrinth, take a violet crystal
8. go to the rock, left above in edge is the button
9. go to green igloo and click on sign above door
- give crystal to the guy and notice the hint behind him when he goes inside the igloo
- go back in X-house and use that hint on wall with stripes
10. left door is open now, button big enough? ;-)
- now you got all buttons on map, go back to green igloo and take the sword, go back to the X-house and defeat the dragon
- you are flying back to earth now but need one more button
11. look at flashlight in about view, open the battery panel and take the key, go back to control panel and use key on big box