Please Read This First

Lead In - read first before doing anything else =)

Dear passionate escapers... This is a site for those players, whose badly miss the old times, when we helped each other in a game without...

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

TomaTea - Miro Clue

Please enjoy playing this game, post comments, help others and first of all: HAVE FUN - Don't forget our lead in - let this be a place of playing games like we were used to it in the good old times =)


  1. I'm in and totally happy about a new TomaTea =D
    the hardest puzzle until now was for me the R/L puzzle... until I finally looked at
    StPhOeILrER... we have to go exactly this way, as if we would write it...

  2. and finally got the shapes puzzle:

    first you have to solve the puzzle with the SdPoOlIlLsER, the look below at the ScPoOlIoLuErsR... then go to the SPpOoItLsER right of them and look of the according ScPoOlIoLuErsR in each row... take that shape...
