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Lead In - read first before doing anything else =)

Dear passionate escapers... This is a site for those players, whose badly miss the old times, when we helped each other in a game without...

Monday, February 1, 2016

Eric Vaughan's Strange Magic Escape
Please enjoy playing this game, post comments, help others and first of all: HAVE FUN - Don't forget our lead in - let this be a place of playing games like we were used to it in the good old times =)


  1. brilliant game with fantastic graphics and realistic animations !
    the messages at the pinboard are changing...there is a small note, first it said something like: think less feel more, or so.... now it says: it's a good year to play cards... that must be a hint...

  2. yes... this hint opens the door for binoculars to take a close view at the airship

  3. you can always go to the pinboard for another hint... what a game !!!

  4. these discs go beside the kitty... need some more... have 3 now

  5. 4... I missed that one beside the bos I opened with the key from the glass balls (we call them "biglie" or "Murmeln", not idea for the english name)

  6. 4 are needed... they have to fit exactly, even though you can place them like you wnat... but only one constellation works...
    that gives water for planted seed

  7. now I found the use for the empty page. put it over the lit candle

  8. with all 3 symbols we can open the door...
    1. from airship, 2. from candle 3. from flower, look at petals

    I'm totally in love with this game... I hope there will be more
    thanks nokra for that find <3

  9. Oh, oh, oh! I am not as clever as you! I am stuck with 2 gold round thingys, a wire, and used matches... I don't get the clue for the cards..... :(

  10. tried 216...didn't, the year is found where?

  11. and I did plant a seed but imagine I need water before anything happens!

  12. OK I got the door open...used wrong date... :P

  13. yes! fish food now...TY for breadcrumbs!

  14. Lovely game! can't wait for more!
