- in view of the lightbulbs you will find an eye right of the pink-star-puzzle. click 2x to break it and go inside, then click at the "waiting"-button under the inventory. eye will open and show you a sequence. use it at the blue buttons puzzle in book shelf view. puzzle changes into picture of Nietzsche and drops a key
- put that key into the little piano above the books and turn it. the melody does not matter, but the sequence of black and white keys, use this at the B/W buttons over open safe, puzzle changes to Schubert-picture and it has another key
- use this key at the keyhole of the 3-arrow-buttons-panel and activate the first arrow button to get a ladder upstairs
- upstairs take the button and turn around, press red hand and "waiting"- button, go back down, go back down and notice some lightbulbs are HOT now. go to the 8-button-panel and activate the buttons on the position of the hot bulbs, now you get Edison and you can take one bulb
- go upstairs and install this bulb right of the hand-panel, see code below
- use this code at the safe and notice every position after every step you set the knob, use this positions at the pink star puzzle after you put the button from above there, now you have Washington and one more arrow active, press it and get a ladder downstairs
- get the bottle from the cupboard
- turn wheel down at the orange device, turn around to the tubes with 3 wheels and notice the crack, put bottle under the crack
- turn the wheel above orange device to the right and make the other three wheels let the water go through until the leak, "waiting"button and now take the full bottle, fill water into the tube with ball and get a key
- use this key at the panel on floor and get Socrates, turn it around and see horses
- look at the white ankle of the horse legs and click 4 white buttons on water/steam device in that order, take Watt picture and get paper hint from back side
- use that hint on 9 white buttons on cupboard and get the apple
- put apple in machine with cogs, click at cog-button and then on the apple-button, see numbers and take back the apple peel
- use numbers on floor panel and take Newton picure, notice hint on back side
- put paper in burnable can and peel in garbage can upstairs
- the hint from Newton relates to the clocks. the red line devides the spade in two halves, the black part is visible. the clock time is the left part, then draw a line like the hint shows and mirror it to the right. take the order of the hint and use the 4 letters at the cb-puzzle (SPOILERVXMYSPOILER), take the green wheel
- put green wheel on hole right of orange machine and let the steam come through, arrow up, press "waiting" button and see Einsteins formula of the theory of relativity
- "write" the formula above the cb and get the Einstein picture
- it must have to do with the burnace and garbage can maybe, not sure, because I got there by playing around with the pictures... maybe I can explain that later... the first letters of the people on the pics are directions on a compass, now I have Nietzsche together with Watt (NW), Edison together with Newton (NE), Schubert with Einstein (SE) and Socrates with Washington (SW), got the third arrow active and am one floor under the basement meeting Napoleon
- there is one book in bookshelf in first room you can open, on the back of the book is a number, combine this number with NAPOLEON for the word OPEN and get the exit code
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